No. 17A, 5th Cross Street, TVS Nagar Extension, Korattur North, Chennai – 600 076




Dual-head CT contrast delivery system

Control where you need it

  • Optional RFID interface
  • Simultaneous injection
  • Auto-fill & Auto Purge
  • Patency check
  • CAN and relay interfacing capabilities
  • Mounting options to meet your needs
    • Pedestal
    • Ceiling mount
  • Prefilled, vials or bulk contrast


With Optional OptiBolus® Bolus Shaping Software

Control where you need it


  • Automatically fills disposable syringes.

Tilt enable

  • Completion of enable sequence allows air in the syringe to move toward the
    plunger and away from the syringe tip, reducing the risk of air embolism.

Control at your fingertips

  • Manual flow knobs are calibrated for easy, quarter-turn priming and color-coded for easy identification of contrast
    and saline.

Interface capabilities

  • CAN class 4 and relay interfacing  capabilities come standard on every
    OptiVantage model.




Safety through efficiency

Patency Check® feature

  • Check for a proper stick and vascular patency at the patient bedside and manually check for possible extravasation episode.

Auto Purge

  • A single press of a button is all it takes to remove most of the air in the syringe(s). Manually move 1 mL to eliminate remaining air from the tubing.

Timing Bolus® feature

  • Easily perform a test injection to confirm protocol is properly set; aids in better image quality by obtaining consistent contrast media delivery.

Multi−phase protocol storage

  • Save up to 40 six-phase protocols.

Auto Home feature

  • Enables rams to automatically retract to their starting position, allowing for better workflow efficiency.

Optional Features

OptiBolus bolus shaping software

  • Controls flow rate and may allow for more effective management of contrast
    media usage.
  • Activate the innovative OptiBolus
    software feature with the touch
    of one button.

RFID (where available)

  • Provides automated intelligence
    that helps safeguard against
    human error.

Simultaneous injection

  • Delivers dual injection protocols of contrast media and saline with 10% to 90% mixing ratio in increments of 5%.

OptiSync® data management
system (where available)

  • Helps healthcare professionals manage and use radiology data more efficiently and effectively than ever.
Flow Rate

0.1–10.0 mL/sec

Pressure Limit

50–325 peak psi

Syringe Sizes

200 mL empty syringes 50, 75, 100 and 125 mL prefilled syringes*

Syringe Heater

37 °C nominal, minimizes the loss of heat from preheated contrast


0.1 mL to volume in syringe (200 mL)

Scan Delay

0–600 seconds

Inject Delay

0–600 seconds

Phase Delay

0–600 seconds

Number of Phases


Protocol Memory


Inject Results

Last 24 injected protocols

Simultaneous Injection Ratio

10% to 90% in 5% steps

Interface Capabilities

CAN class 4 and relay interfacing capabilities come standard on every OptiVantage model